On September 26, 2023, AllCom Credit Union will launch a new Digital Banking platform that will replace our current Home Banking and Mobile Banking systems. The new Digital Banking will provide enhanced functionality and an optimized experience for both mobile app and online users. Among the new features, you will find improvements to e-alerts, more convenient eStatement availability, easier ways to manage your account, as well as new security features.
To make the transition to the new platform as smooth as possible, please be sure we have your most up-to- date email, phone, or cell number before the September 26 launch. During this transition, AllCom will NEVER ask you for your debit card number, a one time code, or any login or payment information. If you receive such a request, DO NOT respond and contact us immediately.
It's easy to update your information:
- Once you have logged into online banking, click Profile in the menu at the top
- Scroll down to Primary Contact Info to review the existing information
- If changes are needed, please call us at 508.754.9980 or send a secure message through online banking detailing your changes

FAQs to help guide you through the upgrade process
Why are you upgrading Online Banking and Mobile Banking?
We’re committed to providing technology to help our members better manage their finances. This upgrade will modernize your Digital Banking experience. Switching between devices will be seamless and provide you with a much better interface that is faster, simpler, and easier to use.
When will the upgrade take place?
On September 26, the current Online Banking and Mobile Banking platforms will roll into the same, seamless Digital Banking experience—with all the features you would expect to have in both!
Will I have to enroll in the new Digital Banking Platform?
Yes. After the upgrade on September 26, it will be necessary for you to re-enroll. You can enroll either from our website www.allcomcu.org or by downloading the new Mobile Banking app.
Note: The current mobile banking app will not function after the upgrade on September 26.
What will I need to re-enroll in the new platform?
- Social Security Number (SSN)
- Date of Birth
- Account Number–your account number appears on your statement
- Current email address we have on file for you
Note: Each member re-enrolling must have a unique and valid email address on file.
Where do I find my account/member number for the re-enrollment process?
Your account number is located at the top of your statements.
Can I use my current username and password when I re-enroll in the new platform?
Yes. During enrollment, you can reuse the same username and password that you were using before as long as your password meets the criteria.
Will the Mobile Banking app change?
Yes. On September 26, please download the latest version of our mobile app “AllCom CU Mobile Banking” to your phone or mobile device from the App Store® or Google Play.™ The current mobile banking app will no longer function on or after September 26.
Can I re-enroll using just the new Mobile Banking App?
Yes. One of the great new features is the ability to register using Mobile Banking. It is no longer necessary to enroll in Online Banking first. The enrollment process is the same on a mobile device as it is on a laptop or desktop. Your new username and password will be the same for both.
Will I still be able to access my eStatements in Online Banking?
Yes. If you are currently enrolled in eStatements, 18 months’ worth of statements are expected to carry over to the new platform.
Will my Online Banking/Mobile Banking transaction history carry over?
Yes. 180 days’ worth of transaction history is expected to carry over.
Will Bill Pay change?
If you currently use Bill Pay, all account information and payees will carry over. We plan for a seamless transition.
If I am the joint owner on an account, will I now need my own username and password?
Yes. If you are on an account here, please enroll with your Social Security number, DOB, account number and email to create your own username and password. All the accounts to which you have access will automatically appear in your list of accounts. We discourage sharing your login information with anyone else. Please remember to update your email and phone number with us before the upgrade.
How do I enroll my Business Account?
During enrollment, look for the option “Which type of account would you like to access online?” and select Business. Have your business EIN or TIN and account number on hand to complete your enrollment.
Will my account access change?
Upon logging in for the first time, you will now have access to all accounts that you are the primary owner on and joint on. This will allow you to manage your accounts, and family members accounts all in one place. Please do not to share your login information. All joint owners will be able to receive their own unique login.
Exciting New Features!
- You will no longer need to enroll in online banking first. You will have the same experience in both mobile and online banking.
- My AllCom VISA system will be integrated with digital banking so you will have one seamless user experience.
- You will be able to transfer funds to AllCom members instantly and make loan payments from other Financial Institutions
- Stay tuned for more fun facts about how this upgrade will enhance your experience!
Visit this page for the most up-to-date information regarding these exciting changes.